Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I first learned of the magic of Odilon Redon when I was a college student, studying in France.

I had already fallen in love with all the Impressionists. But when I saw Redon I felt like I was being reunited with an old and very dear friend.

Odillon Redon is another of my very favorite artists. He is a contemporary of the more famous Impressionists but doesn't fit entirely into the same classification.

I find his work magical. This painting is one I can comfortable just look at for a very long time.

It reminds me that the spiritual coexists alongside but is not limited by the material.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is the first Klimt I ever saw and it knocked me off my feet. I had never seen a painting that so perfectly expressed love, tenderness and passion. It is still my favorite.

Klimt -- one of my all-time favorite artists.
The Youth for Human Rights web site has just been redesigned and all 30 PSAs are there! These PSAs are SO WONDERFUL!

You can watch them all here

Monday, August 21, 2006

Autumn comes early to the Adirondacks.

It is breathtaking, but a little sad as it means summer is almost over.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I saw the most beautiful movie tonight - Memoirs of a Geisha. Breathtaking photography and very true to the feeling of the book, if not exactly to the plot.